Three Ways To Sell Advertising On Your New Boxing Ring

If you run a boxing club and your goal is to put on a number of boxing events throughout the year, you should be thinking about ways to get advertisers on board. Local companies can sponsor your events in several ways, including you agreeing to allow them to hang advertising materials around the venue. It can be useful to think about using the boxing ring itself as an advertising tool, and this is an advertising opportunity that you can offer to your higher-end prospective clients.

Wonder If Your Athlete Can Play At The Collegiate Level? What To Do Now

If your student-athlete is trying to make it to the next level to play baseball and you aren't sure if they have what it takes to be a collegiate athlete, or what teams they could play for, there are some things that you want to know. You want to prep your athlete as much as possibly can with the coaches and facilities that they currently have access to, and then you also want to go above and beyond.